School Dress Code
There is a positive relationship between good dress habits, good work habits and proper school behavior. Students are expected to dress appropriately for school. They must dress in a manner that is neither distracting to teachers and other students nor detrimental to the educational process of the school. Since styles of dress and grooming are constantly changing, the regulation of dress will be based on common sense and good judgment and in a manner that demonstrates respect for self as well as for others. If a student's appearance is judged to be inappropriate or unsafe by the school administration, a parent/administrator conference will be arranged, or the parent contacted.
The Lordship School Dress Code was voted on and approved by the Stratford Board of Education on June 25th, 2012.
Appropriately sized long or short sleeve shirts that have a collar, including polo shirts, Oxford shirts, dress shirts, or blouses in solid navy, light blue, red, pink, or white are to be worn.
In cooler weather, appropriately sized turtlenecks, mock turtlenecks, sweaters, sweatshirts, and vests in solid navy, light blue, red, pink, or white can be worn.
Appropriately sized t-shirts in solid navy, light blue, red, pink, or white (no advertisements/writing) may be worn on days students have physical education classes.
Appropriately sized solid navy or khaki pants, chinos, dress pants, corduroy pants, cargo pants, skirts, and jumpers are to be worn.
In warmer weather, appropriately sized chino shorts, skorts, and capris in solid navy or khaki can be worn.
Appropriately sized solid navy or khaki sweatpants and nylon running pants with or without stripes on the sides can be worn on days students have physical education classes.
In warmer weather, appropriately sized nylon gym shorts in solid navy or khaki with or without lines on the side can be worn when students have physical education classes.
Blue jeans and colored denim pants are not allowed.
Sneakers or shoes are to be worn with socks. (Note: Sneakers with socks must be worn on days students have physical education classes.)
On inclement and cold weather days, appropriately sized boots may be worn.
Flip Flops, backless shoes, high heels, chunky heels, and open toe shoes and sandals are not allowed.
Oversized earrings, oversized necklaces, numerous rings and bracelets are not allowed.
Hats, bandanas, and scarves are not allowed inside the school building.
Additional information on the Stratford Public Schools dress code policy can be found here.