Dismissal Information

Dear Stratford Academy Families,

We are sending home a Daily Dismissal Plan for you to complete for our records. Please return the form to school with your child by September 22, 2023.

We understand that changes in dismissal may be necessary from time to time. Should such an occasion arise, please complete the Change in Dismissal Note and send it to school with your child. The child should give the note to his/her teacher upon arrival; the teacher will initial the note and send it to the main office. The main office will record the change and provide this information to staff at dismissal time.

A Change in Dismissal Note will be required for a change in dismissal procedure. We ask that you refrain from calling the school with changes in dismissal procedures and/or with messages for your child. The safety of our children is extremely important to us. Accommodating last-minute changes in dismissal procedures and communicating this to the classroom teacher and to your child can be challenging.

If you need a hard copy of the Daily Dismissal Plan or the Change in Dismissal Note please ask your child's teacher.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you for your support!


Mr. Harold Greist, Principal

Mrs. Eboni Sowell, Assistant Principal