Cross Country Announcements
Welcome to the Fall 2021 season!
Announcement 9/20/21
After school practices for Cross Country will begin on Tuesday 9/21 and will end at 3:45pm. A list of approved students will be hung on the gym door and if you do not see your name you will not be allowed to practice. You families must have registered you for the team and also turned in a valid sports physical to the nurse for approval.
Announcement 9/12/21
On Monday 9/13, we will have a informational session for any interested students right after morning announcements. A handout explaining the season and important information will be sent home. Families can view a copy of the handout here:
Announcement 8/15/21
We are very excited to bring back our athletics program for the 2021-2022 school year. As always, we will follow strict guidance from the district head nurse who works in tandem with our local health department so that we can offer athletics this season with safety as our primary goal. If your athlete is interested in registering for our cross country team, please gather your most recent and valid sports physical prior to submitting it on our Powerschool e-form for athletics. Registration will open at the start of the school year. Please review our frequently asked questions page for any lingering questions.
Cameron Bowcock
Athletics Organizer
Flood Middle School