
The Stratford Public School System recognizes that not all high school students can adjust to a traditional educational environment and that some need to receive more personalized academic assistance. Social, emotional and individual circumstances in the lives of these young adolescents create situations where success in the mainstream is not possible.

ALPHA was developed to provide services for these students. A.L.P.H.A. provides students with the opportunity to participate in an educational atmosphere that provides for the least restrictive environment within the continuum of educational services. Students from Stratford and Bunnell High School are eligible for consideration through an application process beginning at their base high school.

The program runs from 7:40-2:10 pm at the Stratford High School. The staff consists of 6 full-time/part-time classroom teachers, a social worker, two classroom assistants, a security officer and the program administrator. School Counseling services are provided by the school counselors at base high school.

Students attending the A.L.P.H.A. must meet the same academic & graduation requirements as the other high school students in Stratford. The curriculum provided is inclusive of the existing high school curriculum. Students may also earn credits through the work-study program.

A.L.P.H.A. follows the same academic calendar as the high schools and credit can be earned on both a quarterly or yearly basis. The BOE policy on attendance has been modified at A.L.P.H.A. Students are limited to five (5) days absence for any marking period.

Enrollment in A.L.P.H.A. is limited by staff size and available space. Students or parents interested in getting information about A.L.P.H.A. should contact their school counselor, high school administrator or call our office (385-4298). The referral process is ongoing.