Library Media Center

Each school in the district houses its own library media center staffed by a certified library media specialist.

The mission of the library media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of information and ideas. To accomplish this mission, library media specialists:

  • provide intellectual and physical access to materials in all formats;

    • provide instruction to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas; and

    • work with other educators to design learning strategies to meet the needs of individual students.

-- Information Power: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs (1988)

Elementary School Library Media Centers

Click on the "Website" link to visit the school's Library Media Center.

Chapel - Sheila Sulkis - Website

Franklin - Jennifer King - Website

Victoria Soto School

Johnson - Dawn Giannotta - Website

Lordship - Rebecca Anderson - Website

Nichols - Kimberly Rose - Website

Second Hill Lane - Karen Kalagian

Eli Whitney - Christina Coutinho - Website

Wilcoxson - Janice Wolfe - Website


Middle School Library Learning Commons




High School Library Learning Commons

Bunnell -  Janice Pellegrino- Website

Stratford High - Sara Hsiang - Website

Library media specialists perform many roles. They are teachers who instruct students and staff members on the use of both print and non-print resources in all formats; they are information specialists who select, evaluate, and purchase appropriate materials to support all curricula. Library media specialists perform as instructional partners with teachers when they assist in designing authentic learning tasks and assessments. Finally, library media specialists are program administrators who develop policies, prepare budgets, manage an automated circulation and cataloging system, and plan special events, author visits, or other programs.