Driving Directions

1 Bulldog Boulevard, Stratford, CT 06614
The Connecticut Turnpike 1-95 (from New York)
Follow I-95 North to Route 25/8 North (Exit 27A) - Bear right 4 miles on Route 8 North - Get off Route 108 Stratford Exit - Turn left at end of ramp - Take a right a light onto Route 108 - Take a left at 2nd light onto Conners Lane - Take a left 6/10 mile onto Weaver Drive. Gym entrance is in front of the school.
The Connecticut Turnpike 1-95 (from New Haven)
Follow I-95 South to Exit 32 - Left off ramp - Take a left at light onto West Broad - Left at light onto Main Street - Go over Post Road (US 1) - Bear left at fork just past People's Bank onto Huntington Road - Take left at light onto Conners Lane - Take second right onto Weaver Drive. Entrance is in front of school.
The Merritt Parkway (from New York)
Follow the Merritt Parkway (Route 15 North) - Get off (Exit 51) Rt. 108 Stratford - Take a right off the ramp - At 5th light take a left onto Conners Lane - Take a left six/tenths of a mile onto Weaver Drive. Entrance is in front of School.
The Merritt Parkway (from New Haven)
Follow the Merritt Parkway (Route 15 South) - Get off (Exit 52) - Bear left onto Rt. 8 South - Bear right on Rt. 108 - At the end of the ramp take a left - Take left at the 3rd light onto Conners Lane - Follow Connors Lane for about six/tenths of a mile - Take a left onto Weaver Drive. Entrance is in front of school.