Fine Arts
Health & Physical Education
The Nature Club, Environmental Club, and Gardening Club recently merged to create the S.K.A.T.E.N.G. Club (Students Karing About The Environment, Nature, and Gardening. The Club's first meeting is Thursday, September 23rd, at 2:15 pm, in Room C-132. Join Us!
The "Nature Club" meets on a regular basis, after school, in room C132. Meeting dates and times will be announced as they come up. All interested in participating in this voluntary club should speak to one of the members of the club. All those with suggestions for activities or fund raising ideas should contact one of the members of the executive board... The club is being advised by Dr. Benjamin Wrubel.
The first ever meeting of the "Nature CLub", Tuesday, September 22, 2009.
Meet the first ever executive board of the "Nature Club".