Cover Image Girl with Flower Eyes from Unlearn Magazine

Unlearn Magazine

The Purpose of Unlearn: In today’s society, it is easy to descend into bad habits, cruel behavior, and deleterious coping mechanisms. We are only human, and many fall prey to peer pressure and a certain measure of hatefulness. The purpose of Unlearn is to raise awareness about serious issues in the hopes that it will help a single person to “unlearn” detrimental habits and become a kinder, more stable, and more successful member of society in all aspects of life. Unlearn is also a chance to give adolescents who deal with such issues a chance to see that they are not alone. It is a reminder that we always have a choice in this world, even if it may not seem that way. Some situations are out of our control, but Unlearn hopes to give individuals a sense of hope that things can and will get better. The staff of this magazine believes that unlearning can only be achieved if one is informed and educated and that hate and disrespect are not condoned or tolerated in any form. Everyone deserves to be treated like a human being—appreciated and respected no matter what his or her differences are—and accepted for who he or she is. But most importantly, Unlearn gives those students a chance to speak even when they cannot be heard.