Mrs. Semple's Personal Finance and Career Development classes recently had a couple of speakers.
Michael Shavel , who works for the CT Department of Labor (Bridgeport Office). He spoke to the Career Development & Personal Finance 2/Investing & Personal Finance 1 students about the the following:
1) Intro/Overview of American Job Center Services
2) Workplace Career Hub Summer Earn and Learn Application
3) CT Labor Laws – Quick Overview Employment of Minors
4) Job Search Tips
5) Labor Market Info – Projections Fastest Growing Careers in CT, Wages, Education
And, Michael Chaffee, who is a Financial Advisor in town who graduated from Stratford High School!
Mike came into the Per. 03 Personal Finance 2 class to talk to them about saving for retirement (aka "becoming a millionaire"). ;-) He then spoke to the Per. 04 Personal Finance 1 class about his path to becoming a Financial Advisor, as well as how they should save some of their paycheck to invest.

Recently, SHS students and staff participated in a Pickleball Tournament held at Penders Field. Mr. Bloomquist and Mr. Velasco won the tournament! (click to view more)

Fiore Soviero, a Physician Assistant, recently presented to Mrs. Semple's Career Development class.

Students in Black/Latino Studies engaged in an Abolition Movement Mixer

Band performs for the families attending the Open House and at the Football Game

Students hard at work in classrooms

The fall sports season is underway! Go Red Devils!

The SHS Music Parent Association will be selling the Senior Lawn Signs once again this year. The signs are $20 and benefit the SHS Music Program.
Please email Kara Flockhart to order your signs. kflockhart@optonline.net

SHS students recently volunteered at the Alzheimer's Walk in New Haven at Light House Point.